Sponsor: nhliberty.org - Here's a link to the controversial letter which led me to conduct these "ambush" interviews with anti-liberty reps near the NH state house forum.nhliberty.org Also a program note....usually I will only do an ambush interview like this if the interviewee has done something drastically wrong or I have reason to believe they will refuse an interview. Rous has previously reniged on promises to grant me an interview, and Day's name is on the "letter that will live in infamy." How you can buy an advertisement on the Ridley Report... ridleyreport.com homeschoolers ron paul homeschooling ridleyreport camera new hampshire state house staters geraldo rivera regulations free state project hunter s. thompson law bill nh educrats dave ridley report bureaucrats bureaucracy liberty public schools live free or die government education libertarian private gonzo journalism homeschoolers ambush interviews concord high school

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