In the desperation to repair their credits as soon as possible, often people avail credit repair services from different companies around the world. By this, they get the advantage of saving time and also utilizing the experience of the professionals of the service providing company.

However, availing such services is almost equivalent to outsourcing the tedious task of legal application for removal of inaccurate entries from your credit account and paying them for the same. Thus, these services are kind of expensive compared to the costs incurred if one undertakes all the procedures on his own.

Lexington law is the most famous and trusted credit Repair Company of all time till date. It has all sorts of schemes that let you increase your credit score 50, 100 or 200 points. Moreover, all the proceedings of this company are completely legal. It is operated by a group of attorneys. It also helps you forward applications for reporting dispute in your credit accounts.

The cost of credit repair by through Lexington law varies depending upon the kind of task that they are doing for you. To open an operating relationship with the Lexington law, the initial sign up charges are $99. Besides that, in order to avail very basic services and consultancy, the Lexington law charges you $39 as a monthly fee. So the total amount of money you pay depends upon the amount of time your credit repair takes. The Lexington law has the concept of monthly charges. Thus, there is no additional fee for any number of disputes and there are no other hidden costs.

For availing some of the premium services offered at Lexington law, the charges are obviously different. There are “Concord programs” that promise you improved results and a faster credit repair. It requires an additional $20 per month to avail the “Concord Standard” service. The concord standard program has features like handling various targeted legal and goodwill interventions, catering to escalated information requests, debt validation in accordance to Fair Debt Collection Practices Act etc.

Another program called the “Concord Premium” provides you with a monthly report on your credit score improvement analysis, in addition to the normal and “Concord Standard” services. It also has features like “Reports Watch ™” which is a service that alerts you as soon as it detects any changes in your credit account. This facilitates a close watch on your credit score. “Inquiry Assist ™” caters to addressing complex enquiries regarding credit repair. This facility is requires an initial registering fee of $99 with monthly charges of $79.

These are the prices of the most renowned companies in the field of credit repair. It is known for its reliability and legality. Paying this amount takes a huge burden off your shoulders, and your credit score future definitely lies in safe hands. You can however also find other much cheaper or more expensive companies in the market and avail there services. But it is always advised to do thorough research in the background of a company before hiring them.

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